Millennials are currently the largest demographic in the workforce with more discretionary income to spend than previous generations.  The concept of “less is more” is something that millennials across the world connect well with.  We have identified four packaging and design concepts that have grown in popularity as a result of such lifestyle trends.


The idea of “minimalism” is not new, but millennials have taken the concept to heart – focusing more on experiences rather than possessions. A key element of this is the idea of transparency. Most brands aim to be honest and transparent in terms of their mission and values. Now we see “transparency” also having an effect on how packaging is designed.

Danone’s VIT Water brand is a great example of how leading brands exercise minimalism in packaging. Here we see a new youthful typography combined with strong red colour branding and nothing else – no extraneous images, words or colours. This allows consumers to focus on two things only: the brand and the water. And by doing so, this brand stands out vividly on-shelf compared to its numerous competitors.

Colour Branding

Focusing more on the look of a product rather than wordiness on packaging, we see how the blending of colours can effectively communicate a product’s characteristics without the need of many words.

Mix Max alcopops is a good example of this type of execution. The attention-grabbing logotype paired with the different shades of colours highlighting flavours creates a balanced outcome. Utilising one dominant colour moulds a stunning result.

Flat Illustrations

The “International Typographic Style” also known as the “Swiss Style” is a graphic design method developed in the 1950’s. This style focuses on cleanliness, readability and objectivity. Flat design was born from this concept and has shaped the foundation for contemporary graphic design.

Chocolate Monggo is an example of a brand that effectively uses flat illustration to convey its key attributes. Pastel colours paired with flat logotype and illustrations succeed in creating a modern look and feel. The simple visuals associated with each chocolate variant add to the brand’s focus on “naturality”.

Packaging Without Plastics 
Consumers are more concerned of how their purchasing effects the environment. A survey conducted by Accenture shows that 83% believe it is important or extremely important for companies to design products that can be reused or recycled Due to numbers like these, every year alternatives are created so that companies can move away from using plastic, paper and glass.

Volvic Mineral Water is a good example of how environmentally conscious brands work towards reducing plastics in their packaging, when plastic itself is central to their packaging. Volvic’s new bottle uses 20% plant-based materials with the goal of increasing this over the next few years as technology allows. This commitment to improving the use of plastics fits well into their overall brand positioning “inspired by the earth’.

In summary, capturing consumer attention has always been and will always be challenging. Brands that address key lifestyle trends like minimalism in their branding, packaging and design ensure that they remain relevant to new generations of consumers.